3. Yasuda M, Matsumori T, Uza N, Shiokawa M, Maruno T, Okada H, Seno H.
Additional stenting for hilar cholangiocarcinoma using a novel delivery device after uncovered metallic stent placements.
Endoscopy. 2023 Dec;55(S 01):E521-E522.
4. Inoue T, Utsumi T, Agatsuma N, Nishikawa Y, Soshi M, Sano Y, Seno H.
5. Muta Y, Linares JF, Martinez-Ordonez A, Duran A, Cid-Diaz T, Kinoshita H, Zhang X, Han Q, Nakanishi Y, Nakanishi N, Cordes T, Arora GK, Ruiz-Martinez M, Reina-Campos M, Kasashima H, Yashiro M, Maeda K, Albaladejo-Gonzalez A, Torres-Moreno D, Garcia-Solano J, Conesa-Zamora P, Inghirami G, Metallo CM, Osborne TF, Diaz-Meco MT, Moscat J.
Enhanced SREBP2-driven cholesterol biosynthesis by PKCλ/ι deficiency in intestinal epithelial cells promotes aggressive serrated tumorigenesis.
Nat Commun. 2023 Dec 13;14(1):8075.
6. Xia Y, Cheng X, Nilsson T, Zhang M, Zhao G, Inuzuka T, Teng Y, Li Y, Anderson DE, Holdorf M, Liang TJ.
8. Nikaido M, Takimoto T, Sakurai T, Hoki M, Minamiguchi S, Nakajima T, Torishima M, Nishigori T, Obama K, Koyama Y, Chiba T, Ushiama M, Gotoh M, Teramura M, Takeda H, Shimizu T, Seno H.
10. Shah VM, Rizvi S, Smith A, Tsuda M, Krieger M, Pelz C, MacPherson K, Eng J, Chin K, Munks MW, Daniel CJ, Al-Fatease A, Yardimci GG, Langer EM, Brody JR, Sheppard BC, Alani AW, Sears RC.
14. Uemoto Y, Taura K, Yamada Y, Takeda H, Nakano S, Takai A, Haga H, Hatano E.
A Rare Case of Donor-Origin Intrahepatic Cholangiocarcinoma After Liver Transplantation for Hepatocellular Carcinoma: A Case Report.
Transplant Proc. 2023 Oct;55(8):1964-1967.
Multicenter prospective registration study of efficacy and safety of capsule endoscopy in Crohn's disease in Japan (SPREAD-J study).
J Gastroenterol. 2023 Oct;58(10):1003-1014.
16. Watanabe K, Nojima M, Nakase H, Sato T, Matsuura M, Aoyama N, Kobayashi T, Sakuraba H, Nishishita M, Yokoyama K, Esaki M, Hirai F, Nagahori M, Nanjo S, Omori T, Tanida S, Yokoyama Y, Moriya K, Maemoto A, Handa O, Ohmiya N, Tsuchiya K, Shinzaki S, Kato S, Uraoka T, Tanaka H, Takatsu N, Nishida A, Umeno J, Nakamura M, Mishima Y, Fujiya M, Tsuchida K, Hiraoka S, Okabe M, Toyonaga T, Matsuoka K, Andoh A, Hirota Y, Hisamatsu T; J-COMBAT study group.
Trajectory analyses to identify persistently low responders to COVID-19 vaccination in patients with inflammatory bowel disease: a prospective multicentre controlled study, J-COMBAT.
J Gastroenterol. 2023 Oct;58(10):1015-1029.
17. Omatsu M, Nakanishi Y, Iwane K, Aoyama N, Duran A, Muta Y, Martinez-Ordonez A, Han Q, Agatsuma N, Mizukoshi K, Kawai M, Yamakawa G, Namikawa M, Hamada K, Fukunaga Y, Utsumi T, Sono M, Masuda T, Hata A, Araki O, Nagao M, Yoshikawa T, Ogawa S, Hiramatsu Y, Tsuda M, Maruno T, Kogame T, Kasashima H, Kakiuchi N, Nakagawa MM, Kawada K, Yashiro M, Maeda K, Saito Y, Matozaki T, Fukuda A, Kabashima K, Obama K, Ogawa S, Sheibani N, Diaz-Meco MT, Moscat J, Seno H.
THBS1-producing tumor-infiltrating monocyte-like cells contribute to immunosuppression and metastasis in colorectal cancer.
Nat Commun. 2023 Sep 25;14(1):5534.
18. Masuda T, Fukuda A, Yamakawa G, Omatsu M, Namikawa M, Sono M, Fukunaga Y, Nagao M, Araki O, Yoshikawa T, Ogawa S, Masuo K, Goto N, Hiramatsu Y, Muta Y, Tsuda M, Maruno T, Nakanishi Y, Masui T, Hatano E, Matsuzaki T, Noda M, Seno H.
20. Nakamura T, Nishikawa Y, Shiokawa M, Takeda H, Yokode M, Matsumoto S, Muramoto Y, Ota S, Yoshida H, Okada H, Kuwada T, Marui S, Matsumori T, Maruno T, Uza N, Kodama Y, Hatano E, Seno H.
ELF3 suppresses gallbladder cancer development through downregulation of the EREG/EGFR/mTOR complex 1 signalling pathway.
J Pathol. 2023 Sep;261(1):28-42.
21. Masui T, Nagai K, Anazawa T, Kasai Y, Yogo A, Yoshimura M, Mizowaki T, Uza N, Fukuda A, Matsumoto S, Kanai M, Isoda H, Kawaguchi Y, Uemoto S, Hatano E.
Safety and efficacy of neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy with moderately hypofractionated intensity-modulated radiotherapy for resectable pancreatic cancer: A prospective, open-label, phase II study.
Cancer Med. 2023 Sep;12(18):18611-18621.
26.Nishimura T, Kakiuchi N, Yoshida K, Sakurai T, Kataoka TR, Kondoh E, Chigusa Y, Kawai M, Sawada M, Inoue T, Takeuchi Y, Maeda H, Baba S, Shiozawa Y, Saiki R, Nakagawa MM, Nannya Y, Ochi Y, Hirano T, Nakagawa T, Inagaki-Kawata Y, Aoki K, Hirata M, Nanki K, Matano M, Saito M, Suzuki E, Takada M, Kawashima M, Kawaguchi K, Chiba K, Shiraishi Y, Takita J, Miyano S, Mandai M, Sato T, Takeuchi K, Haga H, Toi M, Ogawa S.
27. Yoshida H, Shiokawa M, Kuwada T, Muramoto Y, Ota S, Nishikawa Y, Maeda H, Kakiuchi N, Okamoto K, Yamazaki H, Yokode M, Nakamura T, Matsumoto S, Hirano T, Okada H, Marui S, Sogabe Y, Matsumori T, Mima A, Uza N, Eso Y, Takai A, Takahashi K, Ueda Y, Kodama Y, Chiba T, Seno H.
28. Namikawa M, Fukuda A, Mizukoshi K, Iwane K, Kawai M, Yamakawa G, Omatsu M, Sono M, Masuda T, Araki O, Nagao M, Yoshikawa T, Ogawa S, Hiramatsu Y, Muta Y, Tsuda M, Maruno T, Nakanishi Y, Tsuruyama T, Taura K, Hatano E, Seno H.
Simultaneous activation of Kras-Akt and Notch pathways induces extrahepatic biliary cancer via the mTORC1 pathway.
J Pathol. 2023 Aug;260(4):478-492.
29. Utsumi T, Yamada Y, Diaz-Meco MT, Moscat J, Nakanishi Y.
30. Kawamura T, Sekiguchi M, Takamaru H, Mizuguchi Y, Horiguchi G, Kato M, Kobayashi K, Sada M, Oda Y, Yokoyama A, Utsumi T, Tsuji Y, Ohki D, Takeuchi Y, Shichijo S, Ikematsu H, Matsuda K, Teramukai S, Kobayashi N, Matsuda T, Saito Y, Tanaka K.
"Endoscopic" adenoma detection rate as a quality indicator of colonoscopy: First report from the J-SCOUT study.
Dig Endosc. 2023 Jul;35(5):615-624.
31. Matsumori T, Uza N, Okada H, Shiokawa M, Maruno T, Kuwada T, Yoshida H, Yasuda M, Yamazaki H, Taura K, Hatano E, Kodama Y, Seno H.
Innovative method for the diagnosis of bile duct lesions using a novel tapered-tip sheath system to facilitate biliary biopsies.
Gastrointest Endosc. 2023 Jul;98(1):43-50.
32. Matsumori T, Uza N, Shiokawa M, Maruno T, Seno H.
33. Nannya Y, Tobiasson M, Sato S, Bernard E, Ohtake S, Takeda J, Creignou M, Zhao L, Kusakabe M, Shibata Y, Nakamura N, Watanabe M, Hiramoto N, Shiozawa Y, Shiraishi Y, Tanaka H, Yoshida K, Kakiuchi N, Makishima H, Nakagawa M, Usuki K, Watanabe M, Imada K, Handa H, Taguchi M, Kiguchi T, Ohyashiki K, Ishikawa T, Takaori-Kondo A, Tsurumi H, Kasahara S, Chiba S, Naoe T, Miyano S, Papaemanuil E, Miyazaki Y, Hellstrom-Lindberg E, Ogawa S.
Postazacitidine clone size predicts long-term outcome of patients with myelodysplastic syndromes and related myeloid neoplasms.
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34. Araki O, Tsuda M, Omatsu M, Namikawa M, Sono M, Fukunaga Y, Masuda T, Yoshikawa T, Nagao M, Ogawa S, Masuo K, Goto N, Muta Y, Hiramatsu Y, Maruno T, Nakanishi Y, Koyasu S, Masui T, Hatano E, Saur D, Fukuda A, Seno H.
Complete Metabolic Response by 18 F-FDG PET/CT to Atezolizumab Plus Bevacizumab in Patients With Advanced Hepatocellular Carcinoma. Clin Nucl Med. 2023 May 1;48(5):417-419.
37. Yogo A, Masui T, Takaishi S, Masuo K, Chen R, Kasai Y, Nagai K, Anazawa T, Watanabe S, Sakamoto S, Watanabe A, Inagaki R, Nakagawa MM, Ogawa S, Seno H, Uemoto S, Hatano E.
40. Kumagai K, Shimizu T, Nikaido M, Hirano T, Kakiuchi N, Takeuchi Y, Minamiguchi S, Sakurai T, Teramura M, Utsumi T, Hiramatsu Y, Nakanishi Y, Takai A, Miyamoto S, Ogawa S, Seno H.
On the origin of gastric tumours: analysis of a case with intramucosal gastric carcinoma and oxyntic gland adenoma.
J Pathol. 2023 Apr;259(4):362-368.
42. Kondo T, Kanai M, Matsubara J, Yamaguchi D, Ura T, Kou T, Itani T, Nomura M, Funakoshi T, Yokoyama A, Doi K, Tamaoki M, Yoshimura M, Uza N, Yamada T, Masui T, Minamiguchi S, Matsumoto S, Ishikawa H, Muto M.
Association between homologous recombination gene variants and efficacy of oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy in advanced pancreatic cancer: prospective multicenter observational study.
Med Oncol. 2023 Apr 11;40(5):144.
43. Nagao M, Mizukoshi K, Nakayama S, Namikawa M, Hiramatsu Y, Maruno T, Nakanishi Y, Tsuruyama T, Fukuda A, Seno H.
p53 protects against formation of extrahepatic biliary precancerous lesions in the context of oncogenic Kras.
Oncotarget. 2023 Mar 31;14:276-279.
44. Sakamoto Y, Sasaki K, Omatsu M, Hamada K, Nakanishi Y, Itatani Y, Kawada K, Obama K, Seno H, Iwai K.
Differential involvement of LUBAC-mediated linear ubiquitination in intestinal epithelial cells and macrophages during intestinal inflammation.
J Pathol. 2023 Mar;259(3):304-317.
Comparison of clinicopathological and genomic profiles in anal squamous cell carcinoma between Japanese and Caucasian cohorts
Sci Rep. 2023 Mar 3;13(1):3587.
46. Martinez-Ordonez A, Duran A, Ruiz-Martinez M, Cid-Diaz T, Zhang X, Han Q, Kinoshita H, Muta Y, Linares JF, Kasashima H, Nakanishi Y, Omar M, Nishimura S, Avila L, Yashiro M, Maeda K, Pannellini T, Pigazzi A, Inghirami G, Marchionni L, Sigal D, Diaz-Meco MT, Moscat J.
Hyaluronan driven by epithelial aPKC deficiency remodels the microenvironment and creates a vulnerability in mesenchymal colorectal cancer.
Cancer Cell. 2023 Feb 13;41(2):252-271.
47. Oe N, Takeda H, Eso Y, Takai A, Marusawa H.
Evolutional transition of HBV genome during the persistent infection determined by single-molecule real-time sequencing.
Hepatol Commun. 2023 Feb 27;7(3):e0047.
48. Okamura T, Hamaguchi M, Hasegawa Y, Hashimoto Y, Majima S, Senmaru T, Ushigome E, Nakanishi N, Asano M, Yamazaki M, Sasano R, Nakanishi Y, Seno H, Takano H, Fukui M.
49. Umemoto A, Kuwada T, Murata K, Shiokawa M, Ota S, Murotani Y, Itamoto A, Nishitani K, Yoshitomi H, Fujii T, Onishi A, Onizawa H, Murakami K, Tanaka M, Ito H, Seno H, Morinobu A, Matsuda S.
Identification of anti-citrullinated osteopontin antibodies and increased inflammatory response by enhancement of osteopontin binding to fibroblast-like synoviocytes in rheumatoid arthritis.
Arthritis Res Ther. 2023 Feb 17;25(1):25.
50. Makishima H, Saiki R, Nannya Y, Korotev S, Gurnari C, Takeda J, Momozawa Y, Best S, Krishnamurthy P, Yoshizato T, Atsuta Y, Shiozawa Y, Iijima-Yamashita Y, Yoshida K, Shiraishi Y, Nagata Y, Kakiuchi N, Onizuka M, Chiba K, Tanaka H, Kon A, Ochi Y, Nakagawa MM, Okuda R, Mori T, Yoda A, Itonaga H, Miyazaki Y, Sanada M, Ishikawa T, Chiba S, Tsurumi H, Kasahara S, Muller-Tidow C, Takaori-Kondo A, Ohyashiki K, Kiguchi T, Matsuda F, Jansen JH, Polprasert C, Blombery P, Kamatani Y, Miyano S, Malcovati L, Haferlach T, Kubo M, Cazzola M, Kulasekararaj AG, Godley LA, Maciejewski JP, Ogawa S.
52. Ueda T, Shiina S, Iriguchi S, Terakura S, Kawai Y, Kabai R, Sakamoto S, Watanabe A, Ohara K, Wang B, Xu H, Minagawa A, Hotta A, Woltjen K, Uemura Y, Kodama Y, Seno H, Nakatsura T, Tamada K, Kaneko S.
Optimization of the proliferation and persistency of CAR T cells derived from human induced pluripotent stem cells.
Nat Biomed Eng. 2023 Jan;7(1):24-37.
53. Inoue G, Yamamoto S, Koh N, Kuwada T, Nakanishi Y, Takahashi K, Seno H.
54. Yamawaka T, Kitamoto H, Nojima M, Kazama T, Wagatsuma K, Ishigami K, Yamamoto S, Honzawa Y, Matsuura M, Seno H, Nakase H.
The association between antigenemia, histology with immunohistochemistry, and mucosal PCR in the diagnosis of ulcerative colitis with concomitant human cytomegalovirus infection.
J Gastroenterol. 2023 Jan;58(1):44-52.